group of students in class

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A quilted sign saying "you belong here."

Student Belonging in the Classroom (a workshop update)

by Nathan Loewen Since fall 2022, Lisa Dorr and I have hosted lunch-time faculty discussions focused on the topic of promoting “student belonging.” What’s that? I admit the term itself is vague. What might “student belonging” mean in useful practical or analytic terms? I think the category points to something that is indeed vague at the University of Alabama (not to mention on other college campuses). Our discussions are about whether and how students in our classrooms come to self-identify […]

Young adults participating in a discussion.

Open Discussion & Classroom Participation: Fostering Academic Belonging

By Matthew LaFevor, Geography. One of the ways I like to begin my classes is by asking students a very broad question: What’s going on in the world today?      Such a broad question has strong potential to fail, especially if students are too concerned with answering ‘correctly’. Students often come to class having skimmed the readings. They may only tenuously hold information in their heads. Beginning with such a broad question forces students to zoom out for a […]

Black and white image of "100."

How might students develop academic identities? Undergraduate Research in 100-Level Courses

By Nathan Loewen, Department of Religious Studies. The challenge Decisions to attend the University of Alabama are based numerous reasons. A perusal of the University’s homepage suggests some of those reasons. At the time of writing this post, the byline for the homepage is that UA is a place “where legends are made.” The decision to come to UA might include an interest to participate in legendary moments that involve large-scale, highly-publicized events. This makes sense, since most individuals are […]

Two pairs of hands preparing food on a table filled with fresh ingredients.

Faculty Prep Days at the Center for Instructional Technology

Join The Center for Instructional Technology to get your Fall courses polished and ready to go. CIT is hosting two days of workshops and one-on-one technical and pedagogical assistance to get you ready for the Fall semester. Register for a session(s) you would like to attend or drop by and receive one-on-one help setting up your courses. Refreshments will be served all day. Registration is appreciated, but it is not required to attend. Questions? Contact us at 205-348-3532 or […]